If you are looking for that perfect brown egg laying chicken that will thrive in your backyard, you have found it at last!! Our Novagen chicks are a sexlink breed meaning that the gender of the chick can be determined at the time of hatching by the feather color allowing you to pick just the perfect amount of hens (females) and cockerels (males) for your flock. These Novagen chicks will become prolific egg layers beginning at about 16-20 weeks (depending on enviroment, feed, etc.) These chicks parent breeds are Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White, so laying eggs comes very naturally for them.
Novagen Brown Egg Layers
Since we are a small hatchery, we have chosen Tuesday to be our "hatch day". Any orders we have recieved over the past week will be fullfilled on Tuesday. Please understand that if we are sold out of a certain chick, we will notify you and place you on the list for the next weeks hatch. Multiple species of chicks will ship together if at all possible (not be shipped out separate weeks). Thanks for your understanding, and if you have any questions, please reach out to us.